CEO Flow Membership

The Myth of Work/Life Balance

business coach life coach work life flow Mar 10, 2025

A few years ago, I was sitting at my kitchen table, laptop open, kids running in and out of the room, dishes piled in the sink. I had a coaching call in ten minutes, and I was desperately trying to switch gears from “mom mode” to “businesswoman mode.” But in reality, I felt like I was failing at both.

That was the moment I realized: work/life balance is a myth.

For years, I had bought into the idea that if I just planned better, tried harder, or found the right system, I could keep everything in perfect harmony. That my business and my personal life could each have their neat little compartments, with just the right amount of time and energy allocated to each. But the truth is, life doesn’t work that way.

Why Balance is an Illusion

The word “balance” suggests a perfect 50/50 split, as if we can weigh our time on a scale and make sure everything is evenly distributed. But anyone who has ever juggled a business, a family, and their own big dreams knows that life isn’t that predictable. There are seasons where work demands more of you—launching a new program, writing a book, dealing with financial stress. And there are seasons where life outside of work needs your full attention—kids getting sick, personal health challenges, or simply the need for rest.

When I first started my business, I tried so hard to keep everything balanced that I ended up exhausted and resentful. I felt guilty when I worked because I thought I should be with my kids, and I felt guilty when I was with my kids because I thought I should be working. No matter what I did, it never felt like enough.

What We Actually Need: Flow

Instead of chasing balance, I started focusing on flow—allowing myself to fully engage in whatever season I was in without guilt. Flow means knowing when to push and when to pause. It means recognizing that there will be times when you’re in deep work mode, and times when you’re fully present for your family, and that’s okay.

A few months ago, I was deep in writing mode for my book. I let my family know that for a few weeks, my energy would be focused there. I prepped meals ahead of time, adjusted my schedule, and communicated with my husband about what I needed. Then, once that season passed, I intentionally pulled back from work and spent extra time with my kids.

That’s not balance—it’s flow. And it feels a whole lot more sustainable.

Let Go of the Guilt

If you’re feeling stretched thin, constantly trying to do it all and never feeling like you’re doing enough, I want you to know this: you’re not failing. You’re just living in a system that sold you a myth.

What if, instead of trying to balance everything perfectly, you allowed yourself to move with the natural rhythms of your life? What if you trusted yourself to shift focus when needed, instead of holding yourself to an impossible standard? What if you created a life that supports your energy, rather than drains it?

This is what I teach in my coaching, and it’s the foundation of my CEO Flow Membership—helping ambitious women stop chasing balance and start creating a life that actually works.

So today, I’m inviting you to let go of the guilt. Let go of the myth of balance. And step into a way of living that honors both your ambition and your need for rest.

Because you don’t need balance—you need flow.

And you deserve that.